Foxgo破壁靈芝孢子膠囊/六色靈芝膠囊Shell-Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Capsule/ Multi-Ganoderma Lucidum Capsule

Hong Kong
Tel: 香港: (852) 6611 5474/ 中國內地 (86) 13045834857

Featured Products

About Brand

“Foxgo狐狸哥”is a new brand of Flyten Health Trading Co., Ltd., which specializes in the research and development of pet health herbal foods and nutritional supplements. The product incorporates Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma lucidum spore extract, which is not only enhance the immunity of cats and dogs, reduce diseases, and anti-aging, but also relieve the side effects during medical treatment.

Brand HQ:

Hong Kong



Product Prices:


$100 - $500

Sales Locations:


Customer Groups:

18 – 30 years old
30 – 40 years old
40 – 50 years old
50 years old or older

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